Waenzinnig Glas
Wendela van den Akker
Kroonstraat 13
6511 DV Nijmegen
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)6 28 47 47 10
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Doing what you really like on a daily base. Something completely close to yourself. The combination of craftsmanship and applied arts is where my heart lies. I love to make beautiful things that people actually use.
I learned the craft years ago. At that time I wanted to make it my profession, but life went in a different direction. After a busy job in a cultural organisation, I had a change of direction. The idea arose to work with glass again.
I converted the smallest room in the house into a studio and started.
In August 2015 , the big step was taken and Waenzinnig Glass officially went into business.
Glass works like magic, it creates an illusion and makes the daily light into a beautiful play of colours.
Waenzinnig is dutch for amazing, but also means illusion.
I write it with ae. That is the old dutch way, to refer to the ancient craft and to my name, Wendela.